Future Emissions
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Coverage of Databases
The Forest Tracker database covers all concessions in high-risk activities. This goes above and beyond oil palm to include timber plantations, forested land proposed for sale and others.
3,045 Concessions
3,246,709ha Potential future forest
loss identified
The Carbon Tracker database includes assets which will become operational after 2022 in the highest polluting sectors in MY, SG and Brunei, including new fossil fuel projects and power plants.
111 Assets
>9Gt CO2e Future emissions identified

How does it work?

The Forest Tracker database uses open-source data to identify concession boundaries, which are each individually georeferenced and uploaded onto the map. Multiple layers can be added onto the map, including cases of Indigenous land rights conflicts, Indigenous traditional territories, forest reserves, rivers and natural forest cover. Further analysis into statistics and the cumulative impact of concessions on Malaysia's forest loss is conducted annually under the "State of the Malaysian Rainforest" reports.

The Future Emissions Database uses open-source data to identify assets in high-polluting sectors which will become operational after 2022. RimbaWatch developed an emissions accounting methodology, derived from IPCC/GHG Protocol guidance, to estimate asset-level emissions, using national, company and activity-specific assumptions and, where available, emissions factors. All locations displayed on the map are approximate.

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